Last year, we signed the Menopause Workplace Pledge and promised to take positive action to make sure everyone going through the menopause is supported.
This has led us to create our Menopause in the Workplace Guide, packed with practical tips, policy advice, and strategies to foster an inclusive and supportive environment for all our employees.
We love it so much that we decided to share it with our community!
You can read our guide here
What to do more? Help us break the stigma:
💬 Share your own experience
Your story can inspire others and create a more understanding and supportive culture.
🤝 Partner with us
Help us spread the word by sharing our guide and your stories.
📝 Participate in our survey
We’d love to know how you feel about Menopause in the workplace.
If you can, please fill in our Menopause
in the workplace survey here.
Please answer as honestly as possible because we should always be working on making work culture more comfortable for everyone.
Together, we can make a real difference.