Sustainable Website Design
Maximise your brand’s potential with sustainable web development: exceptional creativity and UX meets reduced environmental impact.
It’s the way forward.
What is sustainable
web design?
It’s the ethical way to bring your brand to life. It considers where sites are hosted (green hosting) and how they transfer data as part of the ongoing development process, not an afterthought.
Servers use electricity to transfer data and need to be kept cool while they do it – more electricity. Right now the internet is using a colossal amount of fossil fuels to run and cool servers. It accounts for 2% of all global carbon emissions.
Sustainable web design reduces this impact on the environment.
Optimised sites that look
fantastic and run fast
Your new site will be clever in the background and stunning up front. Our streamlined code will give your audience a snappier experience that uses data smartly, and our creative team will still deliver everything they’d expect online.
And if your audience is happy, SEO is happy too! Less bloated code and slicker navigation has a positive knock-on effect on how high your site ranks in searches.
The process
The process
We’ll find out what you think, need and want – and importantly, what your audience wants – and what success looks like, through workshops, research, surveys or just chats.
We’ll turn what we know into what we’ll do. How will your new site connect with your customers? Reflect your brand’s messages? Feel like your brand? Align to your sustainability values?
You want visitors to find what they’re looking for fast, and then be drawn into exploring more. That’s what this stage is all about.
Whatever level of creativity you want, our team of designers and artists will impress you, bringing your site to life seamlessly on any device. Sustainable web design isn’t a creative compromise.
WordPress is our go-to because it’s constantly evolving creatively, but we do use other tools too, so Shopify, Webflow and static builds are all possible.
Low-code or no-code options mean you can make changes to your site in the future using a graphical interface, effectively reducing your future development spend.
We do everything we can to break your new site. If we succeed, we fix it and try again. As a result, your customers get an unbreakable, seamless experience that enhances your brand.
The big day. Typically it takes under an hour to push a site live, but it could take up to 24 hours depending on the degree of migration.
We include 30 days’ support in the initial cost, but we also have a range of retainer packages that ensure we’re still around to provide any support you or your site need.
Let's not forget, green web hosting
We’ll ensure your site is hosted by a company which only uses renewable energy (hydro, solar and wind) to power and cool their data centres.
You’ll still benefit from top of the line technology and your audience won’t even notice. But telling them definitely isn’t a bad idea if you want to stand out.